
用TTS Chrome扩展朗读

Speechify与Google Docs和你在Chrome浏览器中看到的几乎任何东西都能无缝工作。


在Chrome上使用Speechify TTS是一件很容易的事。只需几分钟,您就可以听着所有的字变成高质量的、自然的声音。
- 免费安装
- 选择你的声音和速度
- 按下播放键

Speechify Chrome扩展的评论


Thanks for sharing this.I love this feature. I just tweeted at you on how much I like it. The voice is great and not at all like the text-to-speech I am used to listening to. I am a podcaster and I think this will help a lot of people multitask a bit, especially if they are interrupted with incoming emails or whatever. You can read-along but continue reading if your eyes need to go elsewhere. Hope you keep this. It's already in other web publications. I also see it in some news sites. So I think it could become a standard that readers expect when they read online. Can I vote twice?

I just started using Medium more and I absolutely love this feature. I've listened to my own stories and the Al does the inflections just as I would. Many complain that they can't read their own stories, but let's be honest. How many stories would go without an audio version if you had to do all of them yourself? I certainly appreciate it. Thanks for this!!

Oh! How cool - I love it 🙂 The voice is surprisingly natural sounding! My eyes took a much appreciated rest for a bit. I've been a long time subscriber to Audible on Amazon. I think this is Great 😀 Thank you!

Super excited about this! We are all spending too much time staring at our screens. Using another sense to take in the great content at Medium is awesome.

Hi Warren, I am one of those small, randomly selected people, and I ABSOLUTELY love this feature. I have consumed more ideas than I ever have on Medium. And also as a non-native English speaker, this is really helping me to improve my pronunciation. Keep this forevermore! Love, Ananya:)

This is the single most important feature you can role out for me. I simply don't have the time to read all the articles I would like to on Medium. If I could listen to the articles I could consume at least 3X the amount of Medium content I do now.

Love this feature Warren. I use it when I'm reading, helps me churn through reading and also stay focused on the article (at a good speed) when my willpower is low! Keeping me more engaged..

I was THRILLED the other day when I saw the audio option. I didn't know how it got there, but I pressed play, and then I was blown away hearing the words that I wrote being narrated

LOVE THISSS. As someone who loves audio almost as much as reading, this is absolute gold
是的,有很多Chrome浏览器的文本转语音扩展。其中最好的是Speechify。请参阅顶级TTS Chrome扩展。
大约有100万用户信任Speechify Chrome扩展。它的评价很高,是增长最快的应用程序之一。一旦你安装了这个扩展,你就可以在你的iPhone、Android甚至Safari上获得这个应用程序。这对生产力或有阅读障碍等残疾的人来说是非常好的,或其他导致阅读成为障碍的人。
在Chrome浏览器中把文字变成音频真的很容易。免费安装Speechify Chrome扩展,然后按 “播放”。就这么简单。试试吧,安装Chrome的文本转语音。
是的,有! Speechify是领先的TTS应用程序,提供各种语言和口音。英语、西班牙语、意大利语,以及其他各种语言。今天就免费安装它吧!