Best Chrome extensions for dyslexia
Best Chrome extensions for dyslexia Living with dyslexia can present various challenges when it comes to reading and writing. However, Chrome
Learn how you can remove barriers to reading when struggling with Dyslexia. Text-to-speech can help you read better and faster.
Best Chrome extensions for dyslexia Living with dyslexia can present various challenges when it comes to reading and writing. However, Chrome
Dyslexia success storiesDyslexia is a reading disability that causes learning difficulties for over 10% of the population. Signs of dyslexia include
The 5 best dyslexia reading programs Dyslexia is a learning disorder that primarily affects a person’s writing and reading skills. The main
The best assistive technology for dyslexics Dyslexia is a learning disability that impacts a person’s reading skills. People with dyslexia have
Top OrCam alternativesOrCam is an Israeli-based company that makes assistive technology devices for the blind and visually impaired. The company
Dyslexia vs. dysgraphia – what are the differences? What is the difference between dyslexia and dysgraphia? Are these two language processing
How to overcome dyslexia through immersion readingLearners with dyslexia face several reading challenges. They often need help with decoding the
Are you looking for the best tools and resources for dyslexia? Here is everything you need to know. Many famous scientists have been working on ways
How to help people with dyslexia read Even though the stigmatization of dyslexia is not as prevalent as in the past, many misconceptions exist about
How to design a dyslexia reading program Achieving high academic performance as a person with dyslexia can be incredibly challenging. Fortunately,
Myths of dyslexia Dyslexia is a learning disability that refers to different symptoms which result in people having difficulties with language
What are the signs of dyslexia in a 5 year old? No parent wants to worry about their child’s potential learning difficulties. Unfortunately,