!Vive tu sueno! Audiobook Summary
Autor de éxitos de librería de New York Times y Business Week, John C. Maxwell, ayuda a la gente a contestar diez preguntas poderosas que revelan un futuro en el que se cumplen sus sueños.
La mayoría de la gente con la que se encuentra John Maxwell tiene un sueño. De hecho, él ha preguntado a miles acerca de las aspiraciones más grandes que tienen. Algunos describen su sueño con gran entusiasmo y detalle. Otros se muestran reacios, casi avergonzados de hablar de ello. Independientemente de su celo o temor, la misma pregunta impulsa a cada persona que tiene un sueño: ¿Lo podré alcanzar?
Tristemente, la mayoría de la gente no tiene idea de lo viable que su sueño es. Espera alcanzarlo, pero la esperanza no es una estrategia. Lo que la gente necesita es una manera de poner a prueba su sueño.
En ¡Vive tu sueño!, Maxwell trae a la realidad el tema del sueño personal. Brinda a los lectores dirección poderosa y práctica para sus vidas guiándoles a través de diez preguntas que les ayudarán a crear un camino claro y convincente hacia su sueño.
 10 Preguntas que te ayudarán a verlo y obtenerlo:
- La pregunta de la posesión: ¿Es este sueño realmente mi sueño?
- La pregunta de la claridad: ¿Puedo ver mi sueño claramente?
- La pregunta de la realidad: ¿Estoy dependiendo de factores bajo mi control para lograr mi sueño?
- La pregunta de la pasión: ¿Me impulsa mi sueño a seguirlo?
- La pregunta del camino: ¿Tengo una estrategia para alcanzar mi sueño?
- La pregunta del personal: ¿He incluido a las personas que necesito para convertir mi sueño en realidad?
- La pregunta del costo: ¿Estoy dispuesto a pagar el precio de mi sueño?
- La pregunta de la tenacidad: ¿Me estoy acercando a mi sueño?
- La pregunta de la satisfacción: ¿Me trae satisfacción trabajar para cumplir mi sueño?
- La pregunta de la trascendencia: ¿Se benefician otros con mi sueño?
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About the Author(s) of !Vive tu sueno!
John C. Maxwell is the author of !Vive tu sueno!
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!Vive tu sueno! Full Details
Length | 3 hours 53 minutes |
Author | John C. Maxwell |
Publisher | Grupo Nelson |
Release date | November 17, 2013 |
ISBN | 9780529112965 |
The publisher of the !Vive tu sueno! is Grupo Nelson. includes the following subjects: The BISAC Subject Code is Self-Help, Personal Growth, Happiness
Additional info
The publisher of the !Vive tu sueno! is Grupo Nelson. The imprint is Grupo Nelson. It is supplied by Grupo Nelson. The ISBN-13 is 9780529112965.
Global Availability
This book is only available in the United States.
Frequently asked questions
Listening to audiobooks not only easy, it is also very convenient. You can listen to audiobooks on almost every device. From your laptop to your smart phone or even a smart speaker like Apple HomePod or even Alexa. Here’s how you can get started listening to audiobooks.
- 1. Download your favorite audiobook app such as Speechify.
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- 3. Browse the library for the best audiobooks and select the first one for free
- 4. Download the audiobook file to your device
- 5. Open the Speechify audiobook app and select the audiobook you want to listen to.
- 6. Adjust the playback speed and other settings to your preference.
- 7. Press play and enjoy!
While you can listen to the bestsellers on almost any device, and preferences may vary, generally smart phones are offer the most convenience factor. You could be working out, grocery shopping, or even watching your dog in the dog park on a Saturday morning.
However, most audiobook apps work across multiple devices so you can pick up that riveting new Stephen King book you started at the dog park, back on your laptop when you get back home.
Speechify is one of the best apps for audiobooks. The pricing structure is the most competitive in the market and the app is easy to use. It features the best sellers and award winning authors. Listen to your favorite books or discover new ones and listen to real voice actors read to you. Getting started is easy, the first book is free.
Research showcasing the brain health benefits of reading on a regular basis is wide-ranging and undeniable. However, research comparing the benefits of reading vs listening is much more sparse. According to professor of psychology and author Dr. Kristen Willeumier, though, there is good reason to believe that the reading experience provided by audiobooks offers many of the same brain benefits as reading a physical book.
Audiobooks are recordings of books that are read aloud by a professional voice actor. The recordings are typically available for purchase and download in digital formats such as MP3, WMA, or AAC. They can also be streamed from online services like Speechify, Audible, AppleBooks, or Spotify.
You simply download the app onto your smart phone, create your account, and in Speechify, you can choose your first book, from our vast library of best-sellers and classics, to read for free.
Audiobooks, like real books can add up over time. Here’s where you can listen to audiobooks for free. Speechify let’s you read your first best seller for free. Apart from that, we have a vast selection of free audiobooks that you can enjoy. Get the same rich experience no matter if the book was free or not.
It depends. Yes, there are free audiobooks and paid audiobooks. Speechify offers a blend of both!
It varies. The easiest way depends on a few things. The app and service you use, which device, and platform. Speechify is the easiest way to listen to audiobooks. Downloading the app is quick. It is not a large app and does not eat up space on your iPhone or Android device.
Listening to audiobooks on your smart phone, with Speechify, is the easiest way to listen to audiobooks.